Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Belated birthday wishes

It's been ages simply AGES since our last posting. Work has been busy for both mama and dada, and you've been growing and growing - soon you won't be little anymore!

Here is a recent pic.

Meanwhile, Summer and Anais seem to love you more and more everyday...probably they will soon wonder why they don't have their own blog! I think we will start one for all three of you next!

Help a little girl in need!

Feisty Char needs bullets to fight!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Belated Christmas Greeting

Here is a video greeting that we did in December. A little late in posting it here....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Your creativity amuses and astounds...!

This morning, you picked up our pewter dolphin, which you proclaimed to be "magic". Then you took a notebook and drew images of the dolphin - its face, fins and tail, which you wanted us to cut out and stick together as a 3D dolphin. A great attempt, although not too sure how it will look if we did cut it out and stick it together! Love, mama.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Here's a Gem

Here's a short gem of a video spending some time with grandpa. I remember when I used to have trouble with my food, getting bored and basically sucking on my food instead of eating it - I used to get lessons from grandpa on how to organize the food and sort of mix and fry it - it worked for me and I've been trying to pass that on to you...Here's the little video that was recorded on Monday, June 26, 2007, 6:28:32 PM must have been when grandpa was visiting...

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Movie Night

We just got back from watching Wall*E. Fantastic film. Think Pixar guys keep reinventing themselves with each movie. Halfway through the movie I was wondering whether you missed a lot of the nuances - but I think it didn't matter. You enjoyed it. You weren't as transfixed on the popcorn as you usually are. What did you really get out of the film. Surprised when I asked you later you enjoyed some of the tender moments in the film....